What do you think about our new blog? We would really love the opinion of a true fashionable girl.
I adore blogs like yours cause there a lot of interesting! You post a lot of thins which really inspire me! Watching this is such a pleasure for me!
We would like to know you better.Tell us more about yourself.
I'm a journalist student, living in Moscow and really passionate about fashion! Now I don't see me clearly in the future but I'd like to work in the fashion sphere. I love to be different from other people. In Russia there are not so many people who love fashion a lot. But now I notice more and more of you girls and guys who look so stylish and they're inspire me!
So how you started your blog? How did you came with this idea?
I haven't blog for now! But we are planning to start a new project with my friends. It will be a lifestyle and fashion blog in common!Hope it we'll be successful.
How would you describe your style?
I think the best word to describe my style is versatile cause everyday I try to be different! Someday I'd like to look chic and girly. Another day I'm gonna be rock etc.
What are your favourite items, that you try to wear often?
Before I liked hats and shades so much! I had a collection of vintage shades and hats of my grandma. And I always tried to put them in my outfit. However I'm in love with huge accessories ( rings, necklaces etc ) for now.
As the true fashionista that you are, who has been your inspiration?
A lot of my friends are photographers, arts, musicians and young designers! And it moves me to create my own style cause I can't sing or draw so this is the way I express myself. As for celebrities, my inspirations are Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.
Who is your favourite designer?
I adore Karl Lagerfeld! He's a legend!
Can you name us your favourite shopping destinations? Where do you love shopping? Thise are the middle up stores in common: Zara, TOPSHOP, H&M. When I travel abroad I try to find flea market cause there have a lot of great fashion things.
Where can somebody find you?
So here is the link: facebook.com/oxana.senicheva . Glad to see you here as my friend lookbook.nu/oxana.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to know you and you style better!

By Mary Vie & Marina Fashionista
I adore blogs like yours cause there a lot of interesting! You post a lot of thins which really inspire me! Watching this is such a pleasure for me!
We would like to know you better.Tell us more about yourself.
I'm a journalist student, living in Moscow and really passionate about fashion! Now I don't see me clearly in the future but I'd like to work in the fashion sphere. I love to be different from other people. In Russia there are not so many people who love fashion a lot. But now I notice more and more of you girls and guys who look so stylish and they're inspire me!
So how you started your blog? How did you came with this idea?
I haven't blog for now! But we are planning to start a new project with my friends. It will be a lifestyle and fashion blog in common!Hope it we'll be successful.
How would you describe your style?
I think the best word to describe my style is versatile cause everyday I try to be different! Someday I'd like to look chic and girly. Another day I'm gonna be rock etc.
What are your favourite items, that you try to wear often?
Before I liked hats and shades so much! I had a collection of vintage shades and hats of my grandma. And I always tried to put them in my outfit. However I'm in love with huge accessories ( rings, necklaces etc ) for now.
As the true fashionista that you are, who has been your inspiration?
A lot of my friends are photographers, arts, musicians and young designers! And it moves me to create my own style cause I can't sing or draw so this is the way I express myself. As for celebrities, my inspirations are Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.
Who is your favourite designer?
I adore Karl Lagerfeld! He's a legend!
Can you name us your favourite shopping destinations? Where do you love shopping? Thise are the middle up stores in common: Zara, TOPSHOP, H&M. When I travel abroad I try to find flea market cause there have a lot of great fashion things.
Where can somebody find you?
So here is the link: facebook.com/oxana.senicheva . Glad to see you here as my friend lookbook.nu/oxana.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to know you and you style better!

By Mary Vie & Marina Fashionista
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